> Michael Loftis writes:
> Did you read the FAQ which is referenced at the bottom of each and
> every message from linux-kernel? It discusses the issue and why things
> won't change.
> > Perhaps I need to re-iterate the problem...
> >
> > I'm not concerned about speed issues nor other issues... Simple the huge
> > footprint the kernel has. Many people (like myself) run Linux on small
> > systems where popping open a 40MB tarball would overfill the disks. And
> > even if you 'clean out' stuff manually you'll probably not have enough
> > space to compile it and you run the risk of messing up the kernel...
> [...]
> > As you can see there's no way Linux could be compiled. This system will be
> > effectively stuck at 2.0.35 forever.
> No, you compile your kernel on a decent machine. Or get a bigger
> disc. Or download a precompiled kernel from one of the popular
> distributions. People compiling kernels are expected to have plenty of
> disc space. Think of it as an entry requirement. Don't expect it to
> change.
> Regards,
> Richard....
Couldn't the kernel be split up into a server kernel and workstation
> -
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Student at Department of Computer Science
University of Copenhagen
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