Re: Where did the swedish characters go?
H. Peter Anvin (
31 Jan 1999 20:43:25 GMT
Followup to: <Pine.LNX.4.04.9901311635280.1058-100000@localhost.localdomain>
By author: Andre Dahlqvist <>
In newsgroup:
> It seams as if I lost the ability to write Swedish characters after
> upgrading to 2.2.0. The swedish character-set is loaded, and the right NLS
> modules are also loaded, not that that should matter on the command
> prompt. Things are working like they used to in X, but on
> the console and in console apps I just get odd characters whenever I try
> to use these chars. I talked to a another swedish linux user on #linux the
> other night, and he had noticed the same behaviour after his upgrade to
> the 2.2 kernel, so I thought I would post a message just in case this is
> a bug. My appologies if this is a trivial thing, and something silly I've
> just missed.
> // Andre (the 'e' should have one of those "dots" over it but...)
Works fine here. Check what font you're loading (if you are); I
suggest making sure you load the font called lat1u-16 in the kbd
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