I openned up the Computer to look at the card,
after talking to the Manufacturer's Tech-support.
I found that the 'supposed S3-chip' is really SIS-6215.
The Digital-Research Tech-support told me two things :
1. They replaced the chip in many S3 box-labeled cards
with the SIS-6215 chip, because "they ran of stock".
2. None of the Tech crew is familiar with Linux;
and the one member, who is, won't talk about it.
Linux recognizes an "Unknown PCI SIS chip"
but can't find the Video RAM.
I could ONLY configure 640x480 & 800x600 modes as VGA16
But, I need 1600x1200, 1280x1024, 1024x768, etc.
>Dear Sir,
>I am having ridiculous problems with Hardware >compatibility on Linux.
>Recently I bought a Digital-Research card
>with the Trio-S3-64V2/DX chip.
>I have seen that is a common compatible chip/card for >Linux all over
>the Internet,
>but I haven't had the Server connect with the chip >successfully yet.
>I had a previous S3-Trio Video card that worked fine,
>until the Monitor blew-up.
>Am I missing something ?
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