> My K6-2/300 (MVP3, PC100, UDMA, AGP G200) runs flawlessly, with no unexpected
> faults, oops, etc. it's very fast, and very cheap. people who have problems
> with this hardware should consider getting real PC100, and/or scrutinizing
> their BIOS settings. I just hate to see hardware demonized because a couple
> of random messages about trouble.
I've seen some support for the 3Dnow functions of the K6-2.
What does it mean exactly ? Faster execution ? Better context
switching ?
Here is my concern :
At home, I have one K6-2/333 (UW SCSI) and one PPro 200 (SCSI2).
Compilation time for one source tree takes 16 minutes with the K6
and 22 minutes with the PPro (quite good).
2 compilations + MP3 playing (x11amp) on each machine give :
65 minutes on the K6 and 50 minutes on the PPro.
So, under moderate load, my brand new 333 MHz computer is much
slower than my old PPro. Is there a mean to optimize things ?
> regards, mark hahn.
> --
> operator may differ from spokesperson. hahn@coffee.mcmaster.ca
> http://java.mcmaster.ca/~hahn
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