Makefile targets again :-) (Was Re: compile)

Neil Conway (
Wed, 3 Feb 1999 11:32:13 +0000

Frank Rietveld wrote:
> Op Wed, 3 Feb 1999, Neuhaus Yann schreef:
> > When I compile my kernel, with
> > make zlilo, I've got an errror
> >
> > setup is 520 bytes
> > system is 520 Kbytes
> > system is too big
> > ** eror **
> >
> > what is the solution
> make bzlilo (this is also documented in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/)

Did you check? I just did (2.2.0 tree) and it isn't mentioned at all,
except in passing in (of all things) joystick.txt. The main README does
mention bzImage (rather tersely), but not bzlilo at all (zlilo though,
is pseudo-documented in the README but not in Documentation).

Where exactly did you read about bzlilo? Not in any doc file in the
kernel I'll bet...

I've moaned before about the almost total lack of documentation on the
Makefile targets, but maybe nobody else gives a damn. If that's the
case, you either parse the Makefile (and children) by hand, or you use
the targets you feel safe with... Shame really. People could save a
lot of time...


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