> I've got an AMD K6/3D 300MHz Stepping A processor that seems to periodically
> Seg11. I'm currently running RedHat 5.2 and am wondering if this behavior will get
> better/worse if I up it to 2.2.1. The thing seems to run fast (599 BOGOMips) but I
> can't count on it with Linux. NT (of all things) didn't have this problem.
The K6-2/300 do have another problem - they come in two variants, a normal 100 MHz
bus (AFR marking) one, and a 66 MHz bus (AFR66 marking) variant. The other has been
shipped in not-so-small quantity, and many people have used it as the 100 MHz part.
It doesn't work reliably on 100 MHz. That might be the problem you're seeing.
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