Re: Kernel interface changes (was Re: cdrecord problems on

Khimenko Victor (
Thu, 4 Feb 1999 22:17:54 +0300 (MSK)

In <199902041856.NAA00105@cutter-john.MIT.EDU> Monty ( wrote:

M> No more cc:s to cdwrite or linux-scsi, please.

>>> 2.2 is supposed to _be_ stable, not gradually stabilize. That's what
>>> 2.1/2.3 are for.
>>Unfortunatelly it's not possible. Joe average will not even try "development"
>>kernel and some errors could not be found without A LOT OF users.

M> So fix the bugs. Don't try to roll in new features or optimizations.
M> One specific trouble I was talking about happened when 2.1 lasted long
M> enough that developers decided to roll 2.1 features back into 2.0. Of
M> *course* you're going to miss something!

You could not get 100% compatibility with ANY change (even if you'll just fix
bug this will probably broke someone program! that's why quite a few well-known
bugs in Windows could not be fixed)...

M> Stable release means stable release. That definately applies to
M> userspace APIs. Everyone concerned has agreed on that. The only
M> argument still raging is whether or not it applies (potentially) to
M> kernel architecture and modules. I'm hands-off in that argument as I
M> don't have any extensive personal experience to offer. Sorry Derek
M> :-(

>>Looks like few overlooked problems in 2.0.x kernels started all this fuzz :-((

M> Yes, but it still caused headaches, and this kind of 'overlooked
M> problem' is not exactly rare.

As fast as this does not affect userspace API it's not a problem to me. Source
compatibility is good but binary-compatibility... Even if binary-only modules
was mistakenly allowed bu Linus in first place it's not excuse to make
developers of them happy :-)

>>Even NT where binary compatibility is fetish doing it (after NT 4.0 and
>>NT 4.0 SP3 are not 100% binary-compatible!) why you thing Linux is exception ?

M> NT has nothing to do with this argument. People will be bringing up
M> Hitler next ;-)

Why not ? I'm not know how Hitler could be used here but NT is good sample here:
NT claims to be binary compatible from release to release (or at least from
SP to SP :-) NT developers REALLY struggling to to this and STILL there are
problems. Since most kernel developers are not very interested in binary
compatibility for modules anyway we should expect much more breakage here...

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