Re: documentation on writing a filesystem ?

Nat Lanza (
09 Feb 1999 11:47:28 -0500

"Daniel J. Rodriksson" <> writes:

> Hi
> I have checked Documentation/filesystems/vfs.txt but I can't
> say it will make me a filesystem writer. :-)
> Any hints ??

The Coda folks have some documentation that might help you -- they've
given some talks and written some papers about their experiences
implementing Coda for Linux, and put them up on their webpages.

You might be particularly interested in the slides from their talk on
the Linux VFS; I certainly found it useful as a guide.

The Coda pages are at, their documentation
pages are, and the
slides for the VFS talk are at

I've been somewhat annoyed at the lack of documentation I've found on
Linux filesystem internals while preparing to port our NASD work to
Linux, so I've decided to try and remedy this. I'm planning to collect
all the references to Linux VFS and FS documentation I can, and
will hopefully be able find the time to plug some of the gaps in
it. At the least, I should be able to make sure that pointers to the
extant documentation can all be found in one place.

So, filesystem folks: if you know of some documentation that might be
relevant to learning about how filesystems work under Linux and how to
go about writing one, please send a reference my way.


nat lanza --------------------- research programmer, parallel data lab, cmu scs --------------------------------
there are no whole truths; all truths are half-truths -- alfred north whitehead

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