>>>Linus Torvalds said:
> In article <36C0DB78.4F0031A9@pobox.com>, Mark Lord <mlord@pobox.com> wrote
> >From this evening's chat session at msnbc:
> >...
> >>[Chris_MSNBC says]:
> >> <Eric Murray>: what programming laungauge is used in linux, is it all C
> >> code? What do you think of Java, and will any launguage replace C as
> >> the dominant language
> >>
> >>[Linus_Torvalds- says:]
> >> The kernal itself is low level assembly language....it's just how things
> >> are done.
> Oh egads.
> I wasn't actually typing - the company firewall makes that impossible,
> and I don't like irc anyway, so I was actually on the phone to people
> and they transcribed.
> Is there a transcript anywhere, just so that I can check?
> Linus
> -
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