Changes to interface from 2.0 to 2.2

Sean M Hollingsworth (
Thu, 11 Feb 1999 09:27:03 -0800

In my computer architecture class, those of us who are running linux
have started writing kernel modules. As an introduction to the
internals of a kernel module, we wrote a simple module (the example from
Rubini's _Linux Device Drivers_) which is as follows:

#define MODULE
#include <linux/module.h>

int init_module(void)
printk("<1>Hello, world\n");
return 0;

void cleanup_module(void)
printk("<1>Goodbye cruel world\n");

Now if I compile this and insmod it on a machine running a 2.0.x kernel
it does what it is supposed to do. If I insmod it on a machine running
2.2.1, I get an "unresolved symbol printk" error. I know many things
changed between the 2.0 and 2.2 kernel and am wondering what needs to be
changed in this code to make it work with a 2.2 kernel. Although I
could, as my instructor suggested, use my masq bax (which is running
2.0.36) for rest of the labs involving kernel modules, which I ended up
doing for this one, I would prefer to not have to do that and would much
rather learn how to write modules for the 2.2 kernel. So, if someone
would be so kind as to explain why the above code no longer works and/or
point me in the direction of something that will help me figure what
changes I need to make to the examples in the Rubini text, I
would be most appreciative.

Sean M Hollingsworth

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