> On Fri, Feb 12, 1999 at 08:09:43AM +0100, Mike Galbraith wrote:
> > On Fri, 12 Feb 1999, David C Niemi wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Users are reporting odd and unpleasant FTP hangs on ftp.tux.org as well,
> > > which is now running 2.2.1 with the latest fixed wu-ftpd. These problems
> > > did not occur with the 2.0.36 kernel but did with 2.2pre6; I'm not quite
> > > sure whether they occured in the 2.1.126-8 era because the UP flu made
> > > things unusable back then.
> > >
> > > The hangs do not ALWAYS happen, they are more likely on more remote
> > > connections and on connections via firewalls (in the latter case the
> > > connections work fine for a similar FTP server running 2.0.36 and used to
> > > work fine for ftp.tux.org prior to 2.2.x.
> >
> > ftp.porcupine.org is one of these for me.. _always_ times out when I
> > do 'dir' in the /pub/security directory. (tcpdump attached). If I..
> > echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps
> > ..it works fine. Anyone know why?
> Probably your terminal server has broken VJ compression. Try turning VJ
> compression off on your link.
It's the same either on or off. This is something that snuck in fairly
recently. One day I was trying to get to ftp.x.org, and this happened.
I figured they :) were having troubles and ignored it. When 'their'
problem didn't go away in a couple of days, I got suspicious. When
the same exact failure happened with porcupine, I remembered hearing
about /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps and gave it a shot. This snuck
in after a kernel upgrade, not an isdn upgrade fwiw.
As luck would have it, I just got done cleaning out about 30 older kernels
due to space troubles, and no longer have anything older than 2.1.132 :(
I'll boot what I have and see if it goes away at some point.
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