> Hi,
> On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 14:17:35 -0800 (PST), Santos Halpar
> <sjhalpar@yahoo.com> said:
> > Stephen Tweedie <sct@redhat.com> wrote:
> >> On Tue, 9 Feb 1999 13:31:14 +0100 (CET), MOLNAR Ingo
> >> <mingo@chiara.csoma.elte.hu> said:
> > [SNIP]
> >>> together with all the other upcoming 2.3 features (ACLs, trees,
> >>> compression, etc.) it will be significantly different from
> >>> 'classic' ext2fs
> > Probably off-topic for linux-raid, so I'm moving it over to
> > linux-kernel,(is there an ext2 mailing list?) but I've seen
> > Stephen talking about ACLs a few times recently -- what's the
> > status of getting ext2 support for capabilities in the early
> > 2.3.x series? Is this going to be done in the ACL patches[1],
> > or is there plan to do it at a higher level (VFS)?
> There needs to be VFS support, but the fact is that different existing
> filesystems already have different security mechanisms (think about
> AFS+kerberos, for example), so we need to leave as much of the policy
> as possible to the individual filesystems.
Or possibly far more usefull for most users.. Coda+kerberos5, which I am
seriously looking at right now. Support for the Coda ACL's in the kernel
would be exceedingly great, IMHO. Maybe even kerberos5 principals could be
supported, as in the joeuser@KRB.REALM has normal privledges, and the
joeuser/admin@KRB.REALM has adminstrative root-like power. Is this
reasonable/possible, or am I only dreaming?
| Troy Benjegerdes | troy@microux.com | hozer@drgw.net |
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