Re: NFSD error: dentry not negative!

G. Allen Morris III (
Mon, 15 Feb 1999 21:14:49 -0800

>>>Justin Hahn said:
> I'm getting a LOT of the following sorts of errors while I'm
> downloading stuff off of gnome CVS. The server is 2.2.0pre8, with the
> knfs-981204 package. I've never seen this particular error before,
> anyone know if it's harmful?

Linux of glibc tests if a file/dir exsits before it trys to create
one. SunOS does not. You will see the

nfsd_create: dentry foo/bar not negative

message everytime to try to create a file/directory that already
exists using these clients.

I hope to fix this soon.


G. Allen Morris III

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