Re: Binary compatability is about ADMINISTRATION!

Neil Conway (
Thu, 18 Feb 1999 23:28:54 +0000

Anonymous wrote:
> Monty was complaining about a binary compatability problem which was
> INTRODUCED in the "stable" 2.0.x series, supposedly for PRODUCTION
> use! Nobody allows such careless changes in production code. This
> wasn't a 2.1.x developer's kernel. This was supposed to be a stable
> release, a relatively minor upgrade to the previous release. The changes
> should NOT have caused binary incompatabilities, but they DID. That's
> why Monty was complaining about the carelessness here; it's the sort of
> thing that can destroy all the confidence in Linux that has taken years to
> build, and once the confidence is gone, it's GONE. This isn't a small or
> inconsequential matter; it could affect mainstream Linux acceptance for
> years to come, possibly FOREVER. If we want Linux to suceed, this sort
> of thing cannot be taken lightly.

I have to agree on this one. I'm writing from an environment in which
Linux is being taken more and more seriously, but there are lots of
people who would love the Linux advocates to fall flat on their faces.
A single major incident could spell death (i.e. "interdiction from

Aside: it's a shame that anyone should feel the need to remain anonymous
when making statements on matters like this...

I understand and accept Linus' policy decision on binary modules. He
wasn't quite as forthright (in any messages I saw) that breaking
ordinary user code compatability was to be regarded as a freak accident
on the occasions that it has happened. I'll gladly give him the benefit
of the doubt and assume that that's how he feels until someone corrects
me ;-)

I'd go this far: if any more freak accidents should occur which
gratuitously break ordinary user codes in the stable kernel series,
let's REVERT immediately. That way the suffering is minimised.

Sure, if changes are absolutely vital, can't be done by new ioctl()'s,
whatever, then fine - necessary evils are just that.


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