Re: Sound problems, Scsi CDDA ripping. 2.2+

Dan Hollis (
Sat, 20 Feb 1999 14:41:49 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 20 Feb 1999, Alan Cox wrote:
> > I think we need some way to reserve DMA:ble memory in some early stage of
> > booting up the 'puter... or then the memory allocation crap should be
> > redone once again from scratch ;)
> Then you might as well load the stuff at boot time. This is an issue that
> eventually has to get sorted. Im now sitting on yet another sound card that
> wants 1->4Mb of memory in 256K blocks.

The problem is that many drivers allocate memory on the fly, not just
allocate at load and hold it. So even sound drivers that are compiled into
the kernel can fail when trying to grab dma memory. So all drivers would
have to change to grabbing and holding ram rather than dynamic.

Probably the 'reserve Xmb below 16mb for dma memory' is the best solution.
eg in lilo.conf something like
append = "dmaram=2m"


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