Mounting BFS partition oddness
Larry Ayers (
Sun, 21 Feb 1999 18:06:23 -0600
I just had the strangest thing happen, with 2.2.2-pre5; I had
applied Makoto Kato's second BFS filesystem patch, and wanted to
try it out. I rebooted with the new kernel and mounted my Be
partition with 'mount -t bfs'. The partition was mounted, I
could list directories and files, I could cat text files to the
console, and I successfully copied a couple of files to a Linux
partition. Then I realized that I had never insmod-ed the bfs
module! How can this have worked? The odd thing is that I'm
unable to use the bfs module to copy files, even with this second
version. I'm just curious; anyone have any ideas?
*o Larry Ayers <> *o*o
o*o *o*
*o*o Knox County, Missouri Troublesome Creek Watershed *o
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