> I pass along this exchange for the readers of this list since it appears
> to be relevant:
[Kernel 2.2.1/glibc/sysvinit 2.76]
> > My results were absolutely terrible. While the program compiled just
> > fine, after installation, my machine became terribly unstable. It would
> > spontaneously reboot at intervals from 10 minutes to several hours. I
> > have backed off to a 2.64 release linked against libc5.
I've been running 2.2.x kernels (and their 2.1.x predecessors) for ages
with a glibc linked sysvinit 2.76.
By any chance, did you update to glibc by hand without recompiling
libraries or something? While this usually shouldn't cause reboots, it
would explain instability.
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