> I see. So tanking the whole unit is better. That way, if no one is
> around, they won't even notice there is a problem (unless they check uptime
> and/or read their logs carefully).
Or they have 'echo Reboot | mail -s "Reboot" root' in their rc
Great for unattended machines.
> Seriously, I agree that losing init is going to cause Big Grief, and is an
> unrecoverable situation. But perhaps the user wishes to preserve some
> flexibility as to how to proceed in this dire situation (ie. an opportunity
> to carry out some other task perhaps, before cycling). I would suggest
> that the behavior on loss of init be a toggleable /proc/sys/kernel switch.
No, this is where people should be using a watchdog. If init dies, the
machine should not try to do any special recovery and the watchdog process
should do the reboot if it decides _in user space_ that things are out of
-- "Love the dolphins," she advised him. "Write by W.A.S.T.E.."
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