The problem briefly was that I was getting "stalls" or something over ppp
with the 2.2.x kernels. PPP would stop responding, and an RX error would
appear in "ifconfig ppp0", every few seconds. Also, a strange bunch of hex
numbers appeared in /var/log/syslog.
The hard disk DMA and IRQ masking suggestions offered no help at all.
I determined that the problem was caused by the bsd_comp module! I turned
it off in /etc/conf.modules and the problem vanished. It looks like there
may be something wrong with this module. I intend to go back through the
kernels until I can find what in that module changed in order to figure
this all out.
Why were so few people seeing the problem? Perhaps my ISP (
uses this compression module and many others don't. Perhaps many others
have disabled this module. Perhaps it's something about the system yet...
Anyway, at least PPP is working now!
At 08:31 AM 2/3/99 -0600, you wrote:
>I have a Toshiba Portege 3015CT running Debian Slink. I compiled the 2.2.0
>and 2.2.1 kernels and they run great... EXCEPT that I still have the PPP
>problem. This machine does have a UDMA hard disk, so I tried disabling DMA
>on the disk. This did not fix the problem. I tried the other settings
>with hdparm, too, turning everything off and leaving the readahead at just
>2. This did not help at all. I recompiled the kernel to not automatically
>turn on DMA as well. The next step would be to disable DMA entirely in the
>kernel, I suppose, but it doesn't look like this DMA thing is the answer,
>at least for me.
>Has anyone got another idea? I am getting the same bytes in the log from
>pppd as described previously. I too am seeing lots of errors with "netstat
>ppp0". This all worked find with 2.1.125 and 2.0.36. Is it a problem with
>pppd? With pcmcia? With the kernel?
>Thanks for any suggestions,
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