> Andrej Presern writes:
> > Actually, people bitch at people who say no because they hope Linus
> > WON'T:-))) After all, they want their stuff IN, not out of the
> > kernel, and they're ready to discredit and invalidate each and every
> > authority who draws the line instead of Linus (in other words, the
> > only authority they are willing to submit and listen to, regarding
> > Linux, is Linus).
> And of course, then there is also the reverse trend for "each and
> every authority" to discredit some outsider who publishes unpalatable
> ideas or results.
Based on historic facts, we should consider ideas that are criticised by
authorities to have better chance to be great ideas than those that are
immediately stated great by the so-called authorities.
> Regards,
> Richard....
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