I've got a question for you, since you seem to be implying that the people
saying "no thanks" are spreading FUD, and that you actually know what you
are talking about. Please answer these questions or just shut up and go
. Please list the research and practice papers on DSM that you have read,
and summarize their conclusions
. Please describe your experience with systems similar to that which you
are suggesting be included with Linux. List the number and types of
applications which worked on these systems, as well as the apps which
did _not_ work on these systems.
. Please tell us the locking rate in your applications. Describe the
throughput rate of your apps as a f(# of nodes, lock latency). Show
the curve.
: Let's say you have 3 choices:
: 1. 95% use of a single machine
: 2. 80% use of a 16-way cluster, but 2 weeks development time
: 3. 60% use of a 16-way cluster, but 2 hours development time
Show me the apps which match this model. Where are they? Remember, you
have to come up with an app that you can get the 60% out of the cluster
using DSM and you have 2 hours to hack it to work. Demo programs don't
count, a real app, please. And if I can hack it to usin PVM or MPI in the
same or less time and get the same or better performance, then you lose.
: It is simply cruel to force your idea of perfection on people who
: have completely different needs than you do.
Demonstrate those needs and show the math which say your solution works.
otherwise it is you who is spreading FUD, not the other guy.
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