> : confusion as to what state Linux for IA-64 (and Merced) is in.
> :
> : but as usual in a free software
> : project, everybody who can contribute is welcome to do so.
> There is one point which perhaps should be made more clear: if you are
> under NDA for IA-64 and you want to help with the IA-64 port, then you
> should contact David and coordinate with him. Just because you don't work
> at the same company doesn't mean you can't talk to each other about this
> port. I know of at least 4 companies who are all NDA'd on IA-64 and are
> all doing work on it and may or may not be talking to each other. If you
> are interested in contacts and have IA-64 NDA, let me know, I can put you
> in touch with the people inside the other companies.
Times have changed. Seems Linux folk is now talking about NDAs without
any flame. Note that I don't care at all and I haven't ever signed any
I just was thinking about what a port of an O/S requires and how much
knowledge is necessary to really understand the arch dependant code and
drivers in order to provide a good port rather that some bag of hacks for
such a project.
I am interested in having some information on caching stuff and IO stuff
of the IA-64, but didn't succeed find such general infos. I just found
some presentation of the chip at Intel Web site and, btw, found some
comparable infos at Compaq site that say that the Alpha 264 is overall
better and faster than the Merced.
If you have some public URLs that contain relevant general informations
on the IA-64 and Merced, you may want let (us) me know. Thanks in advance.
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