Writing to /dev/kmem
Marcin Kaminski (maxiu@aurora.put.poznan.pl)
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 13:03:33 +0100 (MET)
Last time i was playing with /dev/kmem, I tried to change some device
structures, but write() returns 0 and no changes has been made. As far as
I saw, it was because addres of structure was greater than high_memory.
It's strange, addres of this i got from dev_base and walking through next
to device eth0. Reading was good (but address was still greater than
high_memory) but writing wasnt complete. Is this kmem_write(which in 2.0.x
is the same what mem_write, in 2.2.x diffrent but stil bad) bug, or some
kind of feature? How to change somethnig above high_memory?
Marcin Kaminski ------------------------------------ Maxiu
mailto:maxiu@panoramix.net.pl http://dione.ids.pl/~maxiu
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