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don't know about the CMI8330, however X will work with the SIS6326.
It does need tweeking in the XF86Config file, and you will need
the lastest (>= version of the xserver. I had some problems
using more than 8 bit colors, 16 bit and 24 bits didn't work, but 32
did. and a few of the options (don't remember which) had to be on before
X even tryed to start.
As it is now I don't recommend it for the novice (which you are not of
course ;^)), as X is still shitty to configure if the standard values
don't apply.
Sorry, I can't help you more, the machine is gone from here, and not
reachable for a while.
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n:ter Kuile;Ernest
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org:Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (RuG);SoftwareHouse
adr:;;;Groningen;Groningen;;The Netherlands
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