Re: Wrong file size, is it dangerous?
Ricardo Galli Granada (
Mon, 8 Mar 1999 23:28:59 +0100 (MET)
On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
> >
> > star:/home/var/spool/mail # ls -l .ptocarmen.bad
> > -rw------- 1 ptocarme root 3221220956 Mar 5 03:17 .ptocarmen.bad
> >
> This is a sparse file generated by some kind of error. A sparse file
> could show a length equal to the maximum size allowed for a file, but
> use only one allocation unit. You could create such a file by creating
> one, doing an lseek to some large offset, writing one byte, then closing
> it.
> I would just delete it. The error probably occurred over NFS with the
> file-size being received incorrectly. You probably have nothing wrong
> with your local file-system.
> Cheers,
> Dick Johnson
it was just a sparse file with no collateral effect.
I couldn't find any syslog message related to this file. Although I found
many error messages in NFS clients (bad i-node-reference and things like
Thanks to everyone for your answers.
Ricardo Galli
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