It is an insult to me to receive a mass mailing obviously
directed towards kernel hackers on the linux-kernel mailing list,
and grouped in with everyone like a McDonalds burger statistic.
Although I appreciate it when someone offers me a job
opportunity, or a job lead of some kind, I do not appreciate mass
I would bet that most others on linux-kernel feel the same way
If you are interested in employing me in any way shape or form,
don't bother mass mailing me to add my resume to a pile of
thousands. I've got better things to do with my time. Want my
attention? Then send me a personal mail, and not one that is a
form letter with my name pasted in either.
Including references in the letter that you've actually seen my
presence and know what I do, etc.. is a good indication to me
that it is a serious inquiry and not a SPAM mailing.
I completely reject any employment opportunities from any posting
received like this. It is not the proper way to do business, it
is highly non-netiquette like, and IMHO is unethical. It also
goes totally against the community nature of Linux entirely. I
am offended. A better approach would have been a nice informal
message to the actual mailing list with a proper [OFFTOPIC]
header, and an apology for possibly misusing the list - instead
of a sneaking SPAM.
If someone wants my resume, they'll ask for it personally, or
will call me on the telephone.
NO SPAM for me thanks.
Sorry for forwarding this to the list, but I wanted to present my
opinion, in the obvious forum to which they scarfed my name and
email address.
I suggest that everyone else also respond to them with your
opinion on the matter.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 11:17:07 -0800
From: Carol Stanford <>
Subject: Greetings!
Silicon Graphics, the innovative leader in high performance computing,
is taking an active role in advocating Linux technology.
Our Linux Development team is involved in designing and developing key kernel
subsystems for scaling and parallel execution. This includes
presentation and promotion of the solutions into
the open community.
We are looking for experienced engineers to join the Linux Kernel
Development team to help define and develop operating systems for SGI
open source platforms, evolving the Linux technology to address
SGI's key markets.
You will be joining a strong team designing and developing
directed strategic software. A strong background in operating
system development is required along with teamwork, attention
to detail and good problem solving skills. Experience with
multiprocessors is essential.
Please contact Carol Stanford at SGI:
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