Re: Linux/IA-64 byte order

Juan Carlos Castro y Castro (
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 17:27:09 -0300

"Mr. James W. Laferriere" wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Jim Zajkowski wrote:
> > On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Linus Torvalds wrote:
> > } (For example, have people realized just how large something like
> > } KDE+StarOffice is? Imagine blowing that up by a factor of three or so..)
> >
> > It's a scam to get us to buy bigger disks.
> And More Ram ....

Don't forget Unicode. It's part of the conspiracy too.

 ___THE___  One man alone cannot fight the future. USE LINUX!
 \  \ /  /   _______________________________________________
  \  V  /   |Juan Carlos Castro y Castro                    |
   \   /    |                          |
   /   \    |Linuxeiro, alvinegro, X-Phile e Carioca Folgado|
  /  ^  \   |Diretor de Informática e Eventos Sobrenaturais |
 /  / \  \  |da E-RACE CORPORATION                          |
 ~~~   ~~~   -----------------------------------------------

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