Re: Linux/IA-64 byte order

Juan Carlos Castro y Castro (
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 17:25:10 -0300

Linus Torvalds wrote:

(snip debate)

> My POINT is that there is absolutely no technical reason to prefer one
> over the other.
> And like it or not, LE is very dominant due to PC's and the MS inability
> to work with BE machines on NT. So LE isn't going away any time soon.
> In short, the best we can hope for is to just end the confusion, and
> that BE will fade. No, I don't think that's likely either, but it's
> better than having two different byteorders with no technical reason to
> chose between the two.
> Avoid confusion.

Anyway, who had the <sarcasm>BRILLIANT</sarcasm> idea of building a CPU
in which you can choose the byte order? What was that for? Making both
Windows-ists and Mac-ists happy?

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  \  V  /   |Juan Carlos Castro y Castro                    |
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