Re: [SCSI] How to have 3 (necessary?) patches together?

Steven Roberts (
Tue, 09 Mar 1999 16:15:40 -0800

Alan Cox wrote:
> > Could I ask you if you think that the two patches from Joerg Schilling could be included in your
> > ac patches without great difficulties?
> The current -ac patch has some scsi generic work in it - thats why they clash.

which speaking of cdrecord and sg...

not sure if this is a cdrecord bug or a sg driver bug, but the scan mode
cdrecord can't handle two scsi controllers right. I have two wide scsi
the first one has drives at id's 12 and 13. the second has a CD at id 2
and a CDRW at id3. the cdrecord scan dumps the two drives onto the
second controller.

Just wondering if anyone knew whos bug it was (is the scsi interface
returning the info that way or is cdrecord parsing it wrong). Or is
there a way I can check? would strace
show me?


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