Traffic shaper documentation

Duarte Cordeiro (
Wed, 10 Mar 1999 12:37:56 -0000


after trying to run shaper on 2.2.1 (and reading the ML repository ) I
found out that it was broke in this kernel (it just stopped my machine if I
tried to use the shapper, with ping for example).

Now with 2.2.3, I can do:

shapecfg attach shaper0 eth0
shapecfg speed shaper0 33600
and the rest.

But, I can't create another shaper... if I try to shapecfg attach shaper1
eth1 (or eth0) it just says "operation not supported by device".

I've tried to gather some info on the web, but this module is a little
baddly documented. :) (I know.. you code, and don't have the time to

I'm doing some research job for my boss :) about ipchains, traffic shaper
and QoS on linux.
What I would like to do:
- on top of eth0 create a shaper with 33600 bps.
- Inside this allow any traffic up to 33000 bps.
- The other 600 bps (I know I have to create a shaper with at least 9600
bauds ) will be used exclusivelly to telnet (remote support).
-Inside the 33000 shaper, I was going to play with the ToS to give priority
to http traffic.

Is it possible ?
If it is, I would be pleased to write some documentation about this :)

Sorry if this post is not much appropriated to this list.

Thanx in advance,


Duarte M. Cordeiro - Internetworking and Comm. Security Project Manager Arvore - Information Technologies Rua Miguel Bombarda, 1 - 3 DRT - 1000 Lisbon - Portugal -

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