>In message <Pine.LNX.3.96.990308095449.23918D-100000@hobbe.tripnet.se> you
>> Hi,
>> We have a problem with ip_masqurading set up as a firewall. When someone
>> runs a stealth scan from the masquraded net to the outside net, it will
>> very fast consume all available masqurade ports. The result is a nasty
>> DoS for all adresses on the masquraded net.
>Take a baseball bat to the stealth-scanning motherfucker, and the
>problem will be resolved.
>There are several possible DOS attacks from INSIDE a NAT host. Fixing
>this one doesn't win much.
>Trust me on the baseball bat,
> .sig lost in the mail.
Make sure to leave the bat with the body so it looks like a suicide :)
Paul Fulghum, paulkf@microgate.com
Microgate Corporation
9501 Capital of TX Hwy
Austin, TX 78759
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