> > I almost forgot to mention, that in 2.2.3, the penguin logo
> > has changed position. On 2.2.2 and previous, it was on the right
> > hand side, and now its jumped to the left. Any reason for this ?
> It is intentional, because of software scrollback patches were integrated
> into kernel, so if you'll boot without `video=scrollback:<value>', you'll
> get 32KB (== 16384 characters) scrollback buffer, regardless of your
I was unaware of this, and was still using the defaults.
I'll play with this a little when I get home..
I don't understand though why implementing the SW scrollback should
cause the penguin to have to be moved to the other side of the screen!
maybe make it user-configurable?
> > It's irritating, as it tends to get in the way of the boot messages,
> > forcing me to do a dmesg | less if I want to read something.
> Did you ever tried `shift-pgup' ? Penguin disappears and you can scroll
> back through messages...
Yes, but as I was using the defaults, I couldn't pgup to the top of the
part I wanted to read. I was able to read messages /quickly/ during
bootup. Now, I find I have to read even quicker.. or use dmesg when my
eyes can't track that fast :)
> > It looks a bit crap too, as theres a line of the scrolling buffer visible
> > above the penguin, then the penguin, then the rest of the buffer. Ugly..
> Uh? I cannot believe you, penguin is at the top of screen on all my
> Matroxes around... Do you have, by any chance, SVGATextMode in your rc
> scripts? You should not...
Nope, not using SVGATextMode since 2.1.105 or something like that..
Really, theres a space of a few pixels above the penguin, which text
scrolls through.
> > I'm using a Matrox Millenium G200.
> Millennium II, G100, G200 SG, all the same here: 32KB scrollback,
> penguin on top of screen. If you are sure that you see (one) text line
> above penguin, could you send me your kernel boot options?
Will forward to you personally tomorrow. (I'm at university now)
| Dave 'Barc0de' Jones. (Paranoid wierdo noize making geek) |
| barc0de@digital-corruption.net http://I.Am/PureHatred |
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