[Followup] X under 2.2.3 [x86 users wanted]
Daniel J. Frasnelli (dfrasnel@alphalinux.org)
Thu, 11 Mar 1999 15:52:57 -0500 (EST)
Thanks for all the replies. Received at least 10 in private e-mail from
people who are running straight 2.2.3 on their x86 systems, and one to the
list from a fellow Alpha user.
The problem is reproducible on my system upon booting into the
2.2.3 kernel and starting X, but I'll just write it off as Murphy's Law as
applied to computers (or for systems administration, "Everything that can
go wrong did 15 minutes ago but you do not realize it yet").
The issue seems to not be of importance in 2.2.3-ac1, so I'll let
it die unless the errors pop up again. It apparently is a misfunction
of X which is not noticable under normal conditions.
Thanks again for the replies,
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