Re: [Patch] support for /proc/.config (against 2.2.3)

Steffen Grunewald (
Fri, 12 Mar 1999 18:34:37 +0100 (MET)

Tigran Aivazian:
> Dear Everyone,
> Many people (on various wishlists) requested this feature so I implemented
> it.
> Features:
> o Correct size of /proc/.config file and binary identical to
> /usr/src/linux/.config:

Nice idea, I really like it. Some ideas: perhaps it would make sense to
store the .config information in a more compact manner (at the kernel
side), tables (won't give much compression, but would destroy the
"binary identical" feature) or some LZW compression (isn't the code
already there, in the networking layer ?) ... the latter would save
about 80 % (resulting in 2KB kernel bloat instead of 10), but would
save every bit of the original file. Of course, you could store the
file's size in addition to the compressed contents...

Just my 0.01 Euro ...

Steffen Grunewald = steffen(at) = fax +49-331-288-1266
My opinions are mine. You can rent them. Just ask me for prices  :-)
"Art is a lie which makes us realize the truth"   -    Pablo Picasso

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