> On 12 Mar 1999, david parsons wrote:
> > In article <linux.kernel.Pine.LNX.4.10.9903121114360.309-100000@laptop.n3ryb.ml.org>,
> > <asethman@mandate-inc.com> wrote:
> > >
> > >http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2224863,00.html
> > >
> > >The unthinkable may be happening folks.....Bloatware can exist on Linux
> > >too.....
> Is Microsoft now running Hotmail on Linux? I heard so, and lynx reports
> the server to be Apache. I think this is bad news. It's showing that
Microsoft makes software that runs on "IBM Computers". Everybody "knows"
that. Since IBM will now be supporting Linux, it is a good business plan
to port their software to whatever operating system(s) IBM uses.
If Bill Gates did anything different his stockholders might fire him.
This is a good business decision and is designed to protect the interests
of Microsoft stockholders. It has nothing to do with what is good/bad
or indifferent about the software itself.
In fact, it is good for the Personal Computer Industry itself. Soon
the CAD packages that __must__ use Windows, will be ported to Linux as
each "IBM/PC Software" company follows the lead to compete. It is
possible that Microsoft might spend some money on software development
and improvement as Linux becomes more accepted world-wide. This
means that, in principle, it is possible that there may be no need
for a "Windows 2000". Software companies like Microsoft just might
go back to writing application software and leave Operating Systems
to Operating System experts who, for some reason, like to give their
knowledge and expertise away.
The recent free press coverage might awaken another sleeping giant,
BSD. I predict that in the next few years, you will find CS departments
in major universities world-wide creating newer and better Open Operating
Systems. CS Students will be doing most of the work with a host
of developers helping across the Internet --just like Linus.
Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.2.3 on an i686 machine (400.59 BogoMips).
Warning : It's hard to remain at the trailing edge of technology.
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