RE: [OFFTOPIC]: MS Porting Office to Linux?

Prasanna Subash (
Fri, 12 Mar 1999 17:56:29 -0500

One thing I would hate to see, one of these days is MS Linux 2000, in a box.

-----Original Message-----
From: George Bonser []
Sent: Friday, March 12, 1999 5:26 PM
To: Ewan Dunbar
Subject: Re: [OFFTOPIC]: MS Porting Office to Linux?

On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Ewan Dunbar wrote:

> Is Microsoft now running Hotmail on Linux? I heard so, and lynx reports
> the server to be Apache.

Last I heard it was Solaris.

> I think this is bad news. It's showing that
> Microsoft isn't afraid of Linux, and they don't think it to be a threat.

Since when was Linux designed to scare Microsoft and be a threat to them?
Just concentrate on Linux and let Microsoft take care of itself. If they
want to join in adopting Linux and actually want to contribute
improvements back to the community, hey, we can take the code on its own
merits. Good code is good code and bad is bad no matter WHO writes it.

> However, since it is quite a threat to everything they stand for, I think
> they're probably just trying to look like they're not afraid.

I really do not think the free software community should position itself
as trying to actively destroy anything or anyone. If MS self-destructs, oh
well. If they want to repent and join the fun, that should be ok too. The
beauty of it is that Microsoft can never own it so hey, let them play if
they want to. If you don't want to use their product, don't. Nobody is
forcing you to but having Office on Linux would certainly hasten the
adoption of Linux in many enterprises.

I think it is all a ruse to see how much interest there would be in the
market. If Microsoft get deluged with email and phone calls, they might
just consider it.

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