Re: [OFFTOPIC] SPAM from SGI - Greetings! (fwd)

Troy Benjegerdes (
Sun, 14 Mar 1999 11:14:07 -0600 (CST)

On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Mike A. Harris wrote:

> On Tue, 9 Mar 1999, Philip Gladstone wrote:
> >> It is an insult to me to receive a mass mailing obviously
> >> directed towards kernel hackers on the linux-kernel mailing list,
> >> and grouped in with everyone like a McDonalds burger statistic.
> >
> >A quick check of the headers on the two copies that I received
> >reveal that linux-kernel was not being used to expand the message.
> I figured that they scanned l-k for email addresses, and then
> spammed directly. Still SPAM though IMHO. SGI boxes are great
> IMHO, and I'm sure that they are probably a good company, however
> I did not appreciate the way that they did that.

I got this too, and started wondering where they got my name from. It
seems as if someone went though a decent amount of effort to select a set
of names. I was quite impressed that a company was actually showing
interest in *hiring* and *paying* people who have demonstrated at least
some amount of involemnt in the Linux community.

Have you noticed that a good percentage of the best Linux work (kernel and
userland) comes from people employed by linux-friendly companies? (Linus
Torvolds and Alan Cox have kernel hacking as at least a small part of
their job description, even though it might be an unofficial

Please don't bite the hand that may end up feeding the future development
of Linux!

That being said, I would have appreciated a explaination of how/why my
name was selected.

> Mike A. Harris Linux advocate GNU advocate
> Computer Consultant Open Source advocate
You have 'Computer Consultant' in your signature. If you don't want people
trying hire you to do things, don't call yourself a consultant. ;)

| Troy Benjegerdes | | |
| Unix is user friendly... You just have to be friendly to it first. |
| This message composed with 100% free software. |

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