Re: 2.2.3 seems to have broken ncpfs (novell IPX networking)
Helge Hafting (
Tue, 16 Mar 1999 18:18:45 +0100
> I've been using ncp mounts on 2.2.x kernels without a hitch until
> 2.2.3. If I revert back to 2.2.2-ac7 ncp works again.
> The ipx_configure command reports an invalid socket operation.
> Anyone else seen this ?
No. ncpmount works for me, with one odd exception:
The first ncpmount *always* fail with "NO IPX interface present"
Retrying a few seconds later is just as bad. Wait 10s-20s and
everything works fine.
I have IPX and the token ring driver compiled as modules.
It has been like this from 2.1.125 to 2.2.3
Helge Hafting
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