> your suggestion to use it with the Mickeysoft Intellimouse driver does not
> help.
> - Everything except the wheel works fine with the normal ps2.
> - The pointer just jumps around when I try imps2
> - There is still no output on /dev/psaux when I tried imps2 and turn the
> wheel
> There are different models of this logitech mouse.
> http://www.inria.fr/koala/colas/mouse-wheel-scroll/
> states that my mouse's wheel won't work with imwheel/gpm.
> But if you say that this is just a gpm issue, well... you are
> the expert :-)
I think I can reproduce this with my Logitech MouseMan (M-CV46). It doesn't
have a wheel, but has a fourth button instead. It seems to only support
the IBM PS2 and Logitech PS2+ protocols, and not the MS IntelliMouse nor
Logitech PS2++ protocols. I am contacting Logitech about that now.
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