On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, gmkelly@zip.com.au wrote:
> After 4 Days and 5 hrs on a (1.2 load avg) SMP PPro system running 2.2.3 I too
> have experienced a lock-up this morning. In my case the mouse worked OK on X
> and I was able to "point'n'click" even I could read my email, but the
> keyboard was completely locked out. Nothing in the logs at all.
> I had a "top" running in another virtual screen that didn't show
> any undue loads on any processes, and my ppp link was working OK,
> as were a number of other processes (that I could get to with a mouse).
> Even xawtv ran fine, but I couldn't use the arrow keys to fine tune
> stations, nor did SysReq or Break operate. Total Keyboard lock out.
> I had a peak at /proc/interrupts (running on another virtual screen
> luckily) but again nothing unusual.
> Once I existed out of X, I was dead, had to use the reset button.
> Hardware is very stable (been running 3 years now - no problems).
> If I can trap something I advise further.
> Cheers, Grahame
> --
According to Microsoft KnowledgeBase article Q216641, Microsoft Windows
95/98 are limited to an uptime of *exactly* 49.7 days.
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