this is the periodic announcement of a new PPSkit ;-)
Linux-2.2.4 has some changes that previously were added by
PPSkit. Therefore I had to do a complex merge (or I'm to stupid to do
a simple one).
I added a bug fix from the PPSkit-0.6 snapshot (not yet released), and
during merge I found some other candidates for "architectures that are
not mine". (Mine is i386)
I'd advise any PPSkit-0.5 user to update. The memory leak is not that
serious, because it only used 4k every time you open the serial port
and use CIOGETEV, but it's gone. Now the memory is definitely freed
when the port is closed. I hope it doesn't break anything else.
A similar fix for PPSkit-0.3 will follow next week. (One thing I
can't explain well now is the large jitter I had (>60us) during
testing with 2.2.3).
OK, the NEWS:
NEWS for 0.5.2
+ Updated ``enable_pps.c'' (from PPSkit-0.6 snapshot, no longer loose
PPS events, print some info).
+ Merged patch into Linux-2.2.4 (some of the 0.5.1 changes went into
the standard kernel). Fixed initialization bug with ``CIOGETEV''
and avoided possible race condition when reading timestamps. Fixed
memory leak (free kernel memory when port is closed).
And for convenience the LSM file:
Title: PPSkit
Version: 0.5.2
Entered-date: 1999-03-25
Description: NTP (RFC1305) and PPS support (RFC1589) patches for
Linux 2.2.4+ (kernel patch, documentation, test programs)
Keywords: NTP, PPS, kernel, RFC1305, RFC1589, xntp, time, clock,
pulse-per-second, synchronization, calibration, adjtimex
Author: (Ulrich Windl)
Maintained-by: (Ulrich Windl)
Primary-site: /pub/linux/daemons/ntp/PPS
47kB PPSkit-0.5.2.tar.gz
Original-site: /pub/wiu09524/PPS
Platform: RS232-compatible precision pulse-per-second with an error
less than 100PPM (0.0001%, 0.1ms)
Copying-policy: GPL, but payment welcome!
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