> Good listers..
> I'm having a problem with making a boot disk.
> Running RH 5.2 with 2.2.1 kernel I don't seem to be able to
make a
> 2.2.1 boot
> disk, I can make a 2.0.36-0.7.
> In /boot I have the following two files (amongst others)
> vmLinux-2.0.36-0.7
> and zImage {ZImage is the recompiled Kernel I made when I went to
> 2.2.1}.
> Mkbootdisk says that I need to add the version number to the
end of it.
> Seeing as I can make a 2.0.36-0.7 it should be too hard to make a
> boot.
> Thats where I came unstuck. I tried {and don't laugh, I'm
> learning}
> mkbootdisk 2.2.1 (didn't work) mkbootdisk zImage (didn't work), mv
> zImage
> zImage-2.2.1 then mkbootdisk 2.2.1 (didn't work). I'm out of ideas..
Tried mv zImage-2.2.1 vmLinux-2.2.1 mkbootdisk 2.2.1 --? (If you
moved zImage-2.2.1 back to zImage, adjust accordingly) Or perhaps it
wants to see a RedHat style patch number as well: vmLinux-2.2.1-0.1 or
so? I don't have RedHat installed, so I don't have mkbootdisk, and I'm
just guessing, but how else does it know to get from a version number to
a file name??? Read man mkbootdisk? If you have the command, there
_should_ be a manpage for it.
>< Microsoft free environment
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