Our friend Ralf already answer me my first questions.
As I am working in LINUX every day...now I have more doubts
The first one is:
1- In two moments the variable counter is initialized.
a) When a process is created (using the function do_fork in fork.c)
"p->counter = (current->counter >>= 1);"
b) When all process have counter equal to zero and it is necessary to reinitialized the variable counter (using the function schedule in sched.c).
"p->counter = (p->counter >> 1) + p->priority"
QUESTION: Why does the division by two is necessary ??
2- The function "sys_sched_yield" is defined in sched.c and
it uses the variable counter. I could not find where this
function is called
QUESTION: Do you know where it happens??
3- My kernel version is 2.0.34.
Once more...thank you for your attention.
Best regards,
Livia Catarina.
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