I have released two new PPSkits at the usual place (linux.kernel.org
/pub/linux/daemons/ntp/PPS): PPSkit-0.3.10 for Linux 2.0.36, and
PPSkit-0.6-pre7.diff.gz, based on Linux 2.2.1.
First, for the 0.6 release. I consider this patch as the famous "final"
version, and I'm planning to release PPSkit-0.6.0 soon. It works for i386
architecture just fine, and I did not get any feedback from other
architectures. Therefore I assume its working (OK, just kidding)!
Second for the PPSkit-0.3.10: It just contains the proposed bug fixes:
NEWS for 0.3.10
+ As the code seems usable, and Linux 2.0 won't change a lot now, this
probably will be the last release for PPSkit-0.3.
+ Updated ``enable_pps.c'' from the PPSkit-0.6 snapshot (don't miss
pulses when monitoring jitter).
+ Merged another bug fix from the PPSkit-0.6 snapshot. This fixes a
memory leak associated with ``CIOGETEV'' as well as a possible race
Title: PPSkit
Version: 0.3.10
Entered-date: 1999-03-27
Description: NTP PPS support (and other time patches) for Linux 2.0.36+
(kernel patch, documentation, test programs)
Keywords: NTP, PPS, kernel, xntp, time, pulse-per-second,
synchronization, adjtimex
Author: Ulrich.Windl@rz.uni-regensburg.de (Ulrich Windl)
Maintained-by: Ulrich.Windl@rz.uni-regensburg.de (Ulrich Windl)
Primary-site: linux.kernel.org /pub/linux/daemons/ntp/PPS
38kB PPSkit-0.3.10.tar.gz
Original-site: pcphy4.physik.uni-regensburg.de /pub/wiu09524/PPS
Platform: RS232-compatible precision pulse-per-second with an error
less than 200ppm (0.0002%, 0.2ms)
Copying-policy: GPL, but payment welcome!
Ulrich Windl
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