> Please stop this nonsence. You are beginning to make a fool of yourself.
> Bob
> --
I think that is a bit harsh. It is easy to type something onto a screen
without thinking that there is a face of a real person reading those words
on another such scren on the other end. Richard has given us a wonderful
gift that should continue in spirit though generations. I will pass the
geist of GNU on to my two children, and tell them about Richard and Linus
and the people that made it so. There should be some way of making a
permanent recognition of the many years of work that the GNU project has
put into giving us a great environment to work in without being arrogant
about it.
I will do what I can to make sure that the idea outlives me. I will
encourage them to use free software and when they make it better, to give
those improvements back to the community. I will not encourage them to ask
for anything in return. The gratification of having your improvement or
project incorporated into the community is the reward. We will not forget.
I, for one, will make sure of that.
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