> Le 31 mars 1999, Alan Cox écrivait :
> > Ok how does this look. I think this correctly interprets the 2,0 drivers
> > intention unlike 2.2 which as you pointed out got the one case of
> Apart from the obvious typo, it correctly detects the SCSI card (and the
> scanner attached to it), but still the driver is subject to Oopses. Here
Strange. It did hang badly for me - sometimes - _only_ when I tried to use
interrupts (that do not occur).
In polling mode it did not oops at all! - while I installed Debian
base system from CD or ran multiple throughput tests - all over dtc3181e
(no other scsi controllers or ide disks present).
It may depend on scanners behaviour :(
Another note about dtc3181e card - throughput with "native" Win NT drivers
was even worse than I achieved under Linux.
That means, give up all hopes to use it for something besides scanner :-/
or as "_very_ poor man"'s scsi controller.
> Olivier Tharan, <olive@laria.u-picardie.fr>
-- Ivan Popov <pin@math.chalmers.se> Systemman, Driftavdelningen, Matematiska institutionen, Chalmers
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