> > > > Does anyone know if there is a kernel or user space facility
> > > > that allows one to flash the BIOS under linux? If such a thing
> > > > exists where would I get it?
> > > To the best of my knowledge this doesn't exist.
> > Yes it does. It's not standard, but someone produced a patch maybe 9
> > months ago which provided a /dev/flash which could be dd'ed to and from
> > to flash new BIOS images.
> Any idea who/where that was ?
(Very impressed - Google's first result on the Linux search page for
"flash bios" took me to the initial annoucement.)
> I remember some speculation of a /proc/bios, is this what you're thinking
> of ? Did anything come of this ?
/dev/bios, it would seem. Doesn't seem to have been updates for a while,
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