nfs errors

Carlos Barros (
Mon, 5 Apr 1999 12:49:08 -0300 (UYT)


disclaimer: Im not on kernel list but I think it may be interest for you.

I have 2 linux box (a and b :)

A is debian 2.1 slink
B is also debian 2.1 slink

both are running kernel 2.0.36 and nfs-server is 2.2beta37 and netstd

B has a exports like this

# /etc/exports: the access control list for filesystems which may be exported
# to NFS clients. See exports(5).

/ $B-IP(rw,no_root_squash)


in A I did

mount B:/ /cdrom

ok cdrom is a dir.

The problem is

ls /cdrom/debian/debian/dists/slink/main/binary-i386/web/

If I redirect the output to a file, nothing happens
If I dont redirect the output
ls says:
ls: /cdrom/debian/debian/dists/slink/main/binary-i386/web/php3-imap_3.0.5-3.deb: Is not a directory

and the same for the rest of the files in the directory.
Also /cdrom becames a file not a directory:

-rw-r--r-- 1 cbf root 443330 feb 17 12:15 /cdrom

mount still shows that B:/ is still mounted on /cdrom.

If I umount /cdrom, /cdrom became into a directory like it was.
and then I can mount B:/ into /cdrom and repeat the error.

No error is shown, not even in
/var/los/{syslog,debug,messages,kernel}{.log,} of any host.

BTW I also make a dir with other name and the result was the same. And
not only is ls, also when using mc and changing to the dir.
also with bash, and more progs I think...

I keeping the directories that shows this error.

BTW2: libc is: 2.0.7-19981211-6
ldso is: 1.9.10-1

The kernel on box B is from and compiled.
The kernel on box A is a kernel made by debian that is installed by

Carlos Barros.

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