> "Khimenko Victor" <khim@sch57.msk.ru> writes:
> > GD> Exit Status: The false utility always shall exit with a value other than zero.
> "always" and "always unless condition X is met" are _not_ the same
> thing. The standard says "always shall exit with a value other than
> zero", so unless it _always_ exits with a value other than zero, it
> does not comply to the standard. It's quite simple, really.
Not at all! Standard says as well: you can not specify ANY arguments. So
when you specify ANY argument you are out of standard scope. Look this
way: sqrt(x) ALWAYS >= 0. But if you'll try to specify x < 0 you are out
of luck. Usually sqrt will not even have return value at all :-)) Or (if
sqrt will not convinience you). free(3) does not have return value at all.
(according to standard!). But try to call free with random arguments and
you'll see what happens.
> > When GNU true and false used according to POSIX (i.e. without arguments) then
> > work like POSIX specify.
> You utterly failed to understand that standard excerpt, didn't you?
No. Standard says: you must use this things this way. IF you'll use
thing in specified order you'll get predictable result. If you try to use
thing any other way you'll get some implementation-specific response.
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