A while back (yesterday ;-) ) i proposed to setup a temporary mailing
list for the gnu/linux discussion, and i have been getting responses about
that. One of the suggestions was to start a permanent mailinglist like
linux-ideas or linux-social or something like that, where anyone could
discuss the less technical and more social issues that arise within this
group of technical development, without spamming the kernel list with it.
>From my observation, many of you like to also discuss these kind of topics,
seen the amount of [OFF-TOPIC] marked posts. However, if you are stuck or
working on something, im sure you dont want to have to dig through piles of
off-topic posts to hopefully find some answers or advise. So why not do
My question is, are there enough people on this list to justify the
setup of a list of this kind. If you are interrested in this, please reply
to this post, so i know wether or not to continue this. If you dont agree,
feel free to tell me why too. ;-)
afterburn <at> crashdot <dot> com
"I haven't lost my mind, it's backed up on disk somewhere."
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